is here to make healthcare savings
for individuals, small businesses, and organizations alike.
Let's START the Conversation
Whether you’re an individual, a business, or an organization, we’re here to help you navigate healthcare savings with confidence.
Fill out the form, and one of our specialists will get back to you promptly.
Prefer email? Send us a note at
Want to talk right now? Give us a call at 888-221-1140
Let’s work together to make healthcare more affordable and accessible—one solution at a time.
By submitting your contact information the user agrees to permit CGA to contact you via phone, text, or email to provide information or promotion. At any time you can OPT OUT of communication, with STOP reply.
Here’s how you can bring our trusted solutions into your life or workplace:
For Individuals
Access CareGuide through these trusted partners: Health Freedom, Vitamin Patch, and Get Well Stay Well.
For Small Businesses and Brokers
You can find CareGuide through partners like Union Blue, Get Realm, and Weston Alternative Benefit Solutions, making it easy to offer cost-saving solutions to your team.
For Self-Insured Employers, Associations, Third-Party Administrators, and Health Plans
Interested in bringing CareGuide into your environment? Contact us to explore how we can tailor our services to meet your needs.